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Settings & Configurations

  • Types of Destinations
    • You can navigate to Destinations by navigating to Routing > Destinations.

    • Click Add Transfer Destination.


    There are 2 types of destinations:

    1. Transfer: Ongoing tasks, callback requests, incoming calls etc. can be transferred to different destinations, either external numbers or existing flow. This is useful in scenarios when the agent wants to transfer the customer call to a supervisor(external number) or when the agent has to assign callback requests
      • Flow: You can select the flow to which the existing chats, calls etc. must be transferred.
        For example, there is a flow created to route the transferred conversations to different team members based on the time stamps. So, when an agent transfers a conversation at a certain time and assigns it to this destination, the flow associated with this destination will check the time and route the conversation to the correct team/agent.
      • External: You can configure the external phone number to which the existing chats, calls etc. must be transferred.
    2. Task: You can create a task and assign the incoming chats, incoming calls etc. to an existing flow. This can be helpful in scheduled callbacks where an agent needs to assign a task to themself as a reminder or any other agent/team and to assist the customer as per their request. 

      Example: A flow is created to route the callback requests to different team members based on the time stamps. So, when an agent creates a scheduled callback task at a certain time and assigns it to this destination, the flow associated with this destination will check the time and route the task to the correct team/agent.





  • Where can I find my AUTH credentials?
    1. Navigate to Settings → General → AUTH Credentials
    2. You will find your Auth ID & Auth Token
  • Add/Delete agent status.
    1. Navigate to Settings → General → Agent Status → Status List
    2. You will find 6 default agent statuses for which the status type cannot be changed as it would impact routing and automatic status changes. You can, however, change the color coding for the status by clicking on one of the available colors.
    3. Add Agent Status:
      • Click on ‘Add Status’ option
      • Fill in the below details:
        1. Status Name - Provide the name of the status based on your organizational needs.
        2. Color of the Status - Select a color to represent the status.
        3. Status Type - Select the availability type for the status.
        4. Click on ‘Add Status’
    4. Delete Agent Status:
      • Click on the Status that you would like to delete
      • Click on ‘Delete Status’
      • You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

  • Configuring status for auto updates.
    1. Navigate to Settings → General → Agent Status → Configuration
    2. You can fill in the below auto-updates based on your organization requirements:
      • Agent Status on sign-in - By default, it is ‘Available’.
      • Agent Status on Sign Out - You can select one of the ‘Unavailable’ Status Types from the drop-down.
      • Agent Status when operating at capacity - You can select one of the ‘Unavailable’ Status Types from the drop-down when the agent is operating at capacity i.e the configured number of contacts the agent can concurrently handle in Settings → General → Routing.
      • Agent Status when Idle - You can enable the 'Agent Idle Tracking' option and set the agent's inactivity duration. If the agent(s) remain inactive for the set time, the status is changed to the configured 'Unavailable' values from the drop-down.
  • Add/Delete holidays
    1. Navigate to Settings → General → Holidays
    2. Here you can add new holidays to the master list by clicking on the holiday and then Add New Holiday at the top of the pane.
    3. Enter the name and date of the Holiday, then choose the availability, either closed all day or partially open.  If you choose partially open, you can configure the specific hours your organization is open.
    4. Click Add to create the Holiday.
    5. You can delete holidays from the list by clicking on the trash icon
  • Configure Transfer Type
    1. Configure Transfer Type.
      • CX Service supports two types of transfers: Warm Transfer and Cold Transfer, which are detailed here.
      • Admins can either allow the agents to select a certain type of transfer or restrict them to the one that best meets their requirements.. To configure this, navigate to Settings → General → Transfers.
        • If the admin wants the agents to be able to select the transfer type, they can enable the feature "Allow agents to select transfer".
          Below is a representation of how it appears on the agent side when they want to transfer a conversation with this setting:
        • If the admin wants to restrict the agents to a specific form of transfer, the same option should be disabled and only one type of transfer should be chosen from the drop down.
          Below is a representation of how it appears on the agent side when they want to transfer a conversation with this configuration:
  • Add/Delete Disposition and Sub-Disposition
    1. Disposition refers to the outcome or resolution of a customer conversation. It could indicate whether the issue was resolved satisfactorily, whether further action is required, or any other relevant information about the interaction.
    2. You can add sub-dispositions to a disposition. This will give the agents more granularity to choose the outcome or resolution of the conversation.
    3. You can add/delete dispositions as well as sub-dispositions based on your business needs. To configure this, navigate to Settings → General → Disposition lists
    4. There will be some default dispositions already available, however, you can choose to add as per your needs and disable the ones that do not fit your requirements.
    5. You can click on “Add Disposition” to add a new one, and provide the name of the disposition. Similarly, you can add a Sub-Disposition under the Disposition and click on “Add Disposition”.
    6. If an admin wants to delete a disposition, there is an option to disable it but it will still be available as disabled and cannot be removed from the screen.
      • The admin can disable the Status button for the disposition that needs to be disabled.
      • Disabling a disposition would also disable its sub-dispositions.
    7. Below is a representation of how it appears on the agent side when they want to assign a disposition:

      It will appear in the same order as configured in the Settings, however, you can rearrange them by dragging and swapping in the list.
  • Configure default dispositions
    1. Admin can configure default dispositions by navigating to Settings → General → Disposition lists → Configuration
    2. There are 2 default dispositions that can be configured:
      • Conversation auto-close disposition - The value to be associated when wrap-up is not submitted by the agent before timeout. The default value is auto-closed and it cannot be changed.
      • Disposition for conversation transfers 
  • Create Connected Apps
    1. Connected apps is a functionality within a platform or service that allows developers to register and configure an application to securely integrate with the platform's APIs and services.
    2. Navigate to Settings → General → Connected Apps
    3. Below is an example of setting up Connected Apps with Zoho:
      • Click on Connect New App
      • Provide a name and select the App type as “Generic”
      • The Callback URL will be by default set as CX Service's URL: 
      • Provide Zoho’s Auth URL as well as the Access Token URL
      • Provide the Client ID and Client Secrets issues during the Application registration process

      • Provide the Scope of the access request,Desk.contacts.ALL,Desk.Search.READ,Desk.settings.ALL,Desk.basic.READ
      • Select the type of Client Authentication
        In this case, select “Send as Basic Auth header”
      • Click on “Connect App”.
  • Configuring routing algorithm for my organization.
    1. Navigate to Settings → Conversations → Routing, where you will find various fields to configure your organization's routing algorithm.
    2. Agent Reservation Timeout - You can set the duration (in seconds) for which a contact assignment request is shown to the agents. This can be configured for all the channels - Call, Text, Chat, WhatsApp, Task, and Callback.
    3. Agent Capacity
      • Release agent capacity during ACW - When enabled, the agent’s capacity will be released for a new assignment while they are in ACW mode for resolved conversation(s).
      • Number of contacts that an agent can concurrently handle - It allows to set the maximum number of unique conversations an agent can simultaneously handle for each channel. No new requests will be assigned once the capacity is reached.
        • Concurrent Calls - Always 1, as an agent can only take one call at a time.
        • Concurrent Messages - 1 - 100
        • Concurrent Chats - 1 - 10
        • Concurrent WhatsApp - 1 - 100
        • Concurrent Tasks - 1 - 100
        • Concurrent Callback - 1 - 100

          Note: At any point, an agent can handle the total number of concurrent contacts across all the channels.
    • Sticky Agent - Enabling agent stickiness based on outbound conversation enables the system to remember agent information for a contact from an outgoing conversation and route the call to the same agent when an incoming call is received from the same contact.
      • Expiry of Outbound agent information - Set the stickiness time in days or hours.
      • No Expiry - Check this if you do not want the stickiness to expire.
  • Configure After Conversation Work Timeout.
    1. Navigate to  Settings → Conversations → After Conversation Work
    2. Configure the time within which you would like the agent to wrap-up the conversation. If the agent is unable to wrap up the conversation, then it will get auto-closed.
    3. For example, if the After Conversation Work Timeout is set as 3 minutes, then the agent gets 3 minutes to wrap-up the conversation and the timer will start as soon as the conversation is completed.

  • Configure Conversation Timeout

    Conversation timeout refers to the duration of time that a conversation remains active without any interaction or activity. When a conversation reaches the predefined timeout threshold without any response or activity, the system will automatically terminate the session, ending the conversation.

    For instance, if there's an active integration involving contacts or tickets, and the agent doesn't create a contact or ticket, the conversation will persist for the configured timeframe before automatically closing.

    Note: If there is no active integration, the conversation enters wrap-up mode as soon as it ends.

    • Admins can configure timeouts specific to individual channels by navigating to Settings → Conversations → Conversation Timeout.
    • You can configure timeout for each channel, after which the conversation will be auto-closed.
      Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 4.08.27 PM.png
  • Configure Role-based access control for View Conversations
    1. Role-based access control (RBAC) for viewing conversations is a method of managing and restricting access to conversations within a system based on the roles of individual users. This can be configured by the admin based on the organization’s requirement and usecase. To configure this, navigate to Settings → Conversations → Conversation Access.
    2.  There are 4 different configurations available:
      • Conversation access - The admin can decide the conversation access for the Supervisor as well as agents
        Agent access scope: Own Converstions, Team’s Conversations & All Conversations

        Supervisor access scope: Team’s Conversations & All Conversations
      • Download views - The admin can enable or disable the option to download all/selected conversations from a view for both Supervisors and Agents.

      • Download Conversations - The admin can enable or disable the ability for Supervisors and Agents to download details of a specific conversation.
      • Download Call Recordings - The admin has the option to enable or disable the ability for Supervisors and Agents to download call recordings from the conversations.
  • Create Business Hours
    1. Navigate to Routing → Business Hours
    2. Click on ‘Create New Business Hours’
    3. Give an indicative name, select the timezone of your operations, and set the schedule
    4. In the next step, select the holidays (list shows based on the holidays added under Settings → Holidays, steps mentioned here).
    5. Click on ‘Done’.
  • Configure Role-based access control for FAQs (KMS).

    The admin can configure access for agents and supervisors to handle articles and categories (creating, editing, deleting, or publishing) by navigating to Settings → FAQ → Access Control and selecting or deselecting checkboxes.