Configuring routing algorithm for my organization.
Navigate to Settings → Conversations → Routing, where you will find various fields to configure your organization's routing algorithm.
Agent Reservation Timeout - You can set the duration (in seconds) for which a contact assignment request is shown to the agents. This can be configured for all the channels - Call, Text, Chat, WhatsApp, Task, and Callback.
Agent Capacity
Release agent capacity during ACW - When enabled, the agent’s capacity will be released for a new assignment while they are in ACW mode for resolved conversation(s).
Number of contacts that an agent can concurrently handle - It allows to set the maximum number of unique conversations an agent can simultaneously handle for each channel. No new requests will be assigned once the capacity is reached.
Concurrent Calls - Always 1, as an agent can only take one call at a time.
Concurrent Messages - 1 - 100
Concurrent Chats - 1 - 10
Concurrent WhatsApp - 1 - 100
Concurrent Tasks - 1 - 100
Concurrent Callback - 1 - 100
Note: At any point, an agent can handle the total number of concurrent contacts across all the channels.
Sticky Agent - Enabling agent stickiness based on outbound conversation enables the system to remember agent information for a contact from an outgoing conversation and route the call to the same agent when an incoming call is received from the same contact.
Expiry of Outbound agent information - Set the stickiness time in days or hours.
No Expiry - Check this if you do not want the stickiness to expire.