To create a chat app, go to Channels > Chat Apps menu option.
- Click Create New Chat App. Under the label General, give the app a name, select a routing workflow from the drop-down list, and choose a chat type (one or both). Click Next Step.
- Under Configuration,
- If you choose Webchat or both (Webchat and In-app), you will have two configuration tabs: Design and Webchat.
If you choose In-app chat only, you will only see the Design Configuration tab. - Under the Design tab, you can change the widget's heading, tagline, greeting message, and color. On the right side of the screen, a preview shows how the widget will look with your settings.
- Under Webchat, specify a domain URL as the address where the chat widget will be loaded.
When you're finished, click Next Step. - Under Input Parameters, you can customize the greeting message and ask customers to provide a phone number or email address prior to assigning an agent. On the right side of the screen, a preview shows how the chat box will show the message.
When you finish this step, click Create Chat App & Get Code. - Lastly, the code tab provides the snippet that is to be integrated into your website.
Note: In case you would like to skip asking the customer to provide a phone number or email address, you would need to pass the user information in the script.
- If you choose Webchat or both (Webchat and In-app), you will have two configuration tabs: Design and Webchat.