How can I create snippets to be used for replying in conversations?

  1. To create snippets, navigate to Settings → Snippets → Templates under the admin console.
  2. The prerequisite for creating snippets is that you should have tags created that need to be associated with the snippets.
  3. To create a tag, navigate to tag management under Snippets and click on the “Create Tag” button on the top right.
  4. Enter the tag that you would like to create and click on Save Tag on the bottom right.
  5. The next step is to navigate to Templates under Snippets and click on “Create Snippet” on the top right.
  6. Provide a message in the body that will be used as a Snippet and select a tag from the list of tags.
  7. Next, Select the channels where this Snippet can be used by the Agents and click on Save.

Note that, Snippets are supported in the Messaging channels - SMS, Chat and Whatsapp.

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