- To create and publish articles under your CX Service Knowledge base, your organization should have an existing Knowledge base.
- The next step is to create categories under your Knowledge Base.
Click on the categories hyperlink. - Once you click the hyperlink, you will be redirected to the list of categories under your Knowledge base.
- Click on the “+New Category” button on the top right.
- Fill in the category details, such as the title, slug, description, icon (SVG or URL), and SEO picture (URL). If you do not specify a slug, the title of the category will be auto-populated.
- Click on “Save”.
- Click on the “+New Category” button on the top right.
- You can also create sections under categories by clicking on the “” icon.
- The next step is to create articles, and tag them to the categories created above.
- Navigate to the home page of your Knowledge base and click on the articles hyperlink.
- Click on the “+New Article” on the top right.
- On the next page, you would be able to add the content of the article.
- After completion, click on “Next” button on the top right.
- Provide the below details for your article:
- Title
- Slug - It is auto-populated based on the title of the article.
- Description
- Category from the dropdown - Select a category from the drop-down
- SEO Image(URL)
- Visibility (Internal/Public) - Articles published internally are only available for the agents. Your customers will only be able to access 'public' articles.
- You can either publish the article directly or save it as a draft and publish it later by clicking on the “Edit Latest” button and following the above steps again.
- Once published, you can preview an article by clicking on the “Preview” button beside the article.
- Navigate to the home page of your Knowledge base and click on the articles hyperlink.