Queue metrics

  1. Queue metrics refers to the various key performance indicators (KPIs) and measurements associated with the queues where customers are waiting in queue to be handled by agents for incoming calls or messages. 
  2. Monitoring queue metrics is essential for optimizing the efficiency of a contact center and ensuring that customer service levels are met. 

Below are the available queue metrics:

  • Wait Time Metrics:
    • Average Wait Time - The average amount of time customers spend waiting in the queue before being connected to an agent.
  • Queue Size:
    • Customers in Queue - The number of customers waiting in the queue for the selected time period.
  • Performance Metrics:
    • Average Handle Time - This chart shows the average time spent by an agent with a customer. It includes the time the agent spends talking to the customer until wrap up.
    • Average Wrap-up Time - The average time taken in the wrap-up section after the conversation is solved. If there is an active integration with the CRM, then this will also include case/ticket creation.
  • Abandoned Metrics:
    • Average Abandoned Rate - The percentage of customers who disconnect or abandon the queue before reaching an agent.
    • Average Abandoned Time -  The average amount of time customers spend waiting in a queue before abandoning their request.
  • Queues:
    • This list contains all of the queues in the organisation, as well as their statistic data - Average Conversation Time, Live Contacts, Customers in Queue, Average Wait Time, and Timeout. 

How this metrics help:

  • If a supervisor checks the queue metrics and notices a spike in: 
    • Average Wait Time and high count of Customers in Queue
    • Elevated Abandoned Rate and Abandoned Time in Queue,
      it indicates that there may be a sudden surge in the number of incoming requests leading to:
      • agents struggling to manage the sudden surge in the volume and
      • callers waiting longer than usual before abandoning
        In such instances, the supervisor can analyze the impacted queue and check the interactive voice response and adjust the automated messages telling callers about the high call volume, assisting in the management of customer expectations. The supervisor can also decide to allocate additional agents to handle the increased volume promptly, reducing wait times and abandonment rates.
  • The supervisor checks the queue metrics and observes that both Average Handle Time and Average Wrap-Up Time have increased. This indicates that the agents are spending more time handling each call, possibly due to some sudden issues and also dealing with wrap-up while handling more routed conversations leading to the increase in the wrap-up time.
    In these cases, the supervisor can quickly check with the agents in the impacted queue and provide real-time guidance to agents on strategies to efficiently handle conversations as well as checking if there is a requirement to allocate additional resources.
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