How can I set templates for WhatsApp messages?

  1. Navigate to Channels > WhatsApp > Templates > Create New.
    Note: Users with admin and supervisor roles can submit the templates for verification.
  2. Provide the below details:
    • Template Configuration
      • Template Name - Give a friendly name to make it easier to identify.
      • WhatsApp Business Account - After your meta business account and phone number is configured with us, it will appear in the drop-down.
      • Category - Utility/Marketing
        • Utility -  Enables you to follow-up on user actions or requests.
          Examples include opt-in confirmation, order/delivery management (e.g., delivery update); account updates or alerts (e.g., payment reminder); or feedback surveys.
        • Marketing - Enables you to achieve a wide range of goals, from generating awareness to driving sales and retargeting customers. Examples include new product, service, or feature announcements, targeted promotions/offers, and cart abandonment reminders.
      • Language - Select the language in which your content will be sent.
    • Template Content
      • Header
        • Headers are optional components that appear at the top of template messages. Headers support text and media (images, videos, documents. Templates are limited to one header component.
        • Examples of both types are shown below:
          1. Text - A maximum of 60 characters are supported.
          2. Media
      • Body
        • Body components are text-only components and are required by all templates. Templates are limited to one body component.
        • It supports multiple variables, you can click on +Add Variable to insert it in the body.
        • A maximum of 1024 characters are supported.
      • Footer
        • Footers are optional text-only components that appear immediately after the body component. Templates are limited to one footer component.
        • A maximum of 60 characters are supported
      • Button Type 
        • Buttons are optional interactive components that perform specific actions when tapped.
        • There are 2 different types of buttons:
          • Call to action
            • This can be of type Call Phone Number and Visit Website
            • Templates can have a mixture of up to 2 button components total - one of each or just one kind.

          • Quick Reply 
            • Quick reply buttons are custom text-only buttons that immediately message you with the specified text string when tapped by the app user.
            • A maximum of 3 buttons are supported.
  3. When you have provided details for all of the fields, you can check the preview that appears on the right side.

  4. After a final round of checks, click ‘Send for verification’. Once submitted, it is forwarded to Meta for verification which generally takes around 48-72 business hours to verify it.
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